
Our mission

We aim to make cat memecoins superior to dog memecoins.After a lot of brainstorming, we figured that the best way to realise this is by giving cats steroids so they become strong AF. (and can beat the fuck out of DOGE)

Why buy $buffcat?

Cause this means more steroids. No better way for mass adoption than trough a good cause


We want to give early believers in this revolutionary good cause the change to x100 or even 1000x. That's why we limit the presale to only 100 SOL. You can enter the presale by sending SOL to: 5UUQsVCnwVbSYFaq7xh3xsBqiiVDYyefifwaRryjBzcK

Minimum = 0.1 sol

Maximum = 10 sol
